Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hello again! Today was a vocational day and I got to travel and visit a local secondary, or high school in Einsvoll! The school was very different from my high school in the fact that students are allowed to come and go from school freely of they don't have class, teachers all have their own offices, and students leave the school with specialized diplomas in whatever they concentrated their studies in. I was welcomed warmly by the faculty and was allowed to teach 2 classes today! I taught a senior level social studies in English class and a freshmen level English class. In the senior class, they had previously finished watching Gone With the Wind and I was asked to teach different perspectives Americans had on the Civil War. The students were very curious and they were very excited to have an American in class. I was able to discuss misconceptions and/or stereotypes Europeans have about Americans in the freshman English class. Yet another great and enlightening session. Afterwards, I went to my first Norwegian supermarket, where I surely looked like a tourist, as I took pictures of interesting items. Once again, our hosts have been taking great care of us. I haven't been in touch with my team members today, but we will all be traveling to Oslo tomorrow for sightseeing. I will provide updates on their days when I hear from them. You will also get to see and hear about our day in Oslo tomorrow. As usual, pictures to follow. Ha det bra!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Yes---I forgot to tell you about that, often you may be called upon to "teach a class"....happened often in India, sometimes to students in elementary school, a couple of times to business professionals at the local chamber and a few times to university students. It's great fun!

    I am so pleased that you are having this opportunity! Say hello to the team.
